Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Episode 3 sees your hosts Chris and Peter fighting a blizzard, ice storm and Michigan allergies to bring you the #fivecount topic of... Favorite Wrestlers of All Time. There's a little cross-over with the lists and there isn't a lot of debate, but that will soon change as the topics get broader. Will Peter take all TNA and ROH alumni? Will Chris try to pick ECW for every pick? Can we tie Joey Ryan's penis into the conversation somehow? Who knows! There is also a special announcement within this episode regarding Astronomicon 2, happening on February 8-10 in Sterling Heights, MI. But you will have to tune in and listen for that.
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Episode 2 goes off the rails, and fast! We abandon the promise of Favorite All-time Wrestlers and jump right into an old favorite - the Royal Rumble Drinking Game! Peter and Chris welcome Jacob to the podcast as they watch the Rumble match from 2009. There is a loose set of rules for taking a drink when certain things in the match occur. Feel free to fire up and pour yourself a beverage to watch along... or just listen along as we go through numerous stories, arguments and all-around nonsense. From stories about the famous Joe Louis Arena (and its parking lot) to debating the HOF credentials of R-Truth, this episode is an instant classic. And stick around for the easter egg at the end!
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Welcome to the 20x20 Podcast, powered by 20x20Apparel.com. Our goal is to produce a podcast where you, the listener, are just a fly on the wall during a conversation about professional wrestling. There will be a segment called The Five Count, where a Top Five list will be discussed. There's a different topic every episode. Feel free to share your lists with us on social media using the hashtag, #fivecount.